Major Sources of Pollution
- Nonpoint source pollution from cars, boats, septic tanks, farms, and many other sources.
- Ocean mining
- Toxic chemicals and industrial waste from large industrial sources
- Oil spills
- Plastics, nets and other debris from commercial fishing
Effects of Pollution on the Environment
- Increases in nitrogen and phosphorus can increase algae blooms which can be toxic to marine wildlife.
- Marine debris can kill or seriously harm marine wildlife when they ingest it or become entangled.
- Oil from oil spills can cover birds, fish, and marine mammals causing serious harm and even death.
Ways to Reverse/Reduce Pollution in our Oceans
- Reduce the amount of chemicals you use. Choose nontoxic cleaning supplies, use less herbicides and fertilizers, and make sure to dispose of potentially harmful chemicals properly.
- Reduce the amount of single use plastics you use. Use reusable water bottles, use metal straws instead of single use plastic straws, and bring reusable bags to the grocery store.
- Reduce the amount of driving you do, use more public transportation, walk, and bike.
- You can help reverse the amount of trash in the ocean. There are many great volunteer groups that focus on removing trash from our beaches and water ways.